More Money for Your Pocket

Use the money for various purposes, like going on vacation, buying new furniture, consolidating debt, starting a new

hobby and much more! We have quick turnaround time, fixed rates and terms that help fit your every day needs.



Open End Line of Credit:

Use funds for a multitude of reasons! Borrow the money or pay it down then borrow again all for a variable loan rate.

Closed End:

Use funds for a variety of uses like miscellaneous projects around the house, vacations, or new tires all for a fixed monthly rate.


Combine all of your monthly credit card payments into one low fixed monthly payment to help get out of high interest rates and debt faster.

Share Secure:

Use your regular share savings as collateral for a low fixed rate of 3% above the current dividend of the share account suffix. Secures your own money to help build credit!

Overdraft Protection Loan:

Help protect your checking account from overdrafts with a fixed rate line of credit.